Improvisations by
(voice) BARRY GUY
(double bass)
On May 6, 2023 at 7:30 PM Savina Yannatou, a celebrated Greek singer, will give a live performance at the Old Carpet Factory alongside Floros Floridis (clarinet), Barry Guy (double bass), and Ramon Lopez (percussion).
#liveatOCF concerts are open to the public and present a great opportunity to visit the Old Carpet Factory Recording Studio and Art Residency. All the concerts have free admission with voluntary donations in support of the Art Residency encouraged.

Savina Yannatou is a Greek singer and a songwriter based in Athens. She is a founding member of an Early Music ensemble in Athens ("Early Music Workshop") and a performer of free jazz. Yannatou composed music for the National Theater of Greece and other contributing her music to the plays "Medea", "Bacchae", "Ifigenia in Aulis", "Dibuk" and many others.
Watch the highlights of Savina Yannatou performing at the Old Carpet Factory in September, 2021 with Maya Homburger and Barry Guy duo.